Monthly Meeting
Friends are organized by how often they meet to work on business. Local congregations typically meet once a month and are thus called Monthly Meetings. The decision making for the local church is done in the monthly business meeting. Typically Monthly Meetings are part of larger groups called Yearly Meetings.Committees
Within the Monthly Meeting, important issues have committees focused on them. Our Monthly Meeting includes committees on Peace & Social Concerns, Stewardship, and Ministry & Care. The decisions are made within the committees and recommended to the Monthly Meeting for the most important issues. Committees can also be called upon to run day-to-day work of the Monthly Meeting between business sessions.Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends
Our Monthly Meeting is a member of the Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends, a voluntary association of meetings, churches, and individuals that supports worship, ministry, and service through the cultivation of Christian faith in the Quaker tradition. The Yearly Meeting is a coalition of seven Quaker congregations in Washington and Oregon. It is dedicated to welcoming LGBTQ people as full participants in the life of the group. It was founded in 2017.