This job has some light times and fun times involved with it. One of my fun jobs this past month has been researching children’s materials that are Quaker and about…
The poem read by Mike this morning has great relevance in today’s adversarial climate. Remember when we were taught to keep things civil, just talk about the weather. Well, we…
The scripture Joe just read has an amazing word in it for fellowship. They were setting up a society that was simple, peaceful, had integrity, was equal, communal and with…
I don’t like to think of an angry or violent Jesus. I prefer the laid back quiet version who just passively wanders the earth bestowing love and healing. But the…
My friends, Karla and MG went home on Wednesday. Thank you for the hospitality you shared with them last week. They were very impressed with this wonderful meeting and the…
As you heard Wendy share, the word ubuntu can best be described as an African philosophy that places emphasis on ‘being self through others’. It is a form of humanism which…