“To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true…
Most of us here came to this church through some form of Christianity or we have a respect for the teachings of Jesus. Listening to these verses read, I can…
Living a Basic Life of Principles and Values 1/12/25 Good morning! While Joe and I were on vacation, his parents treated us to a tour of the Alden B. Dow…
What dreams do you have? Are any of them leadings, something you feel spiritually strongly led to do or to be about? I’m not talking dreams that are self-serving. But…
This is Native American month (November) and today I am going to talk a little about a give away, how it’s done and the ways it helps a community. The…
I’d like to talk about one of the SPICES that makes us all flinch – Integrity. I want to do a series on Integrity, but so many times my series…
In the story in Mark 9, Jesus gathers his disciples together and sets out with a purpose. It isn’t to perform healings or miracles like most of the times since…
Daniel Floyd, author of Living the Dream: Uncover the Plan, Fulfill Your Purpose, pp 14-15 writes: One thing that unites all of us is that we have all dreamed, and…
You heard the story that Jay read to you from the Bible: Two people, one named Cleopas, were walking on the dusty road between Jerusalem and Emmaus discussing what they…
One of the things we have observed since moving here last year is that this place is extremely beautiful. The sunsets are especially pretty with colors of gold and yellow…