Dear Friends,
I hope this letter finds you with your power on and the ability to come and go from your homes as needed. Weeks like this last one with its depth of snow helps us appreciate the things we take for granted, heat, power, lights, freedom to get in and out of our yards. I’m sure it brought many moments of gratefulness. I have been very grateful for the fireplace and wood to keep us cozy and give some light as well. I thought about us as a church as I was working with the fire. The flames had died down. It seemed like the wood wasn’t burning. I just had to turn the log over and let it get some air, and the blazes were back in a minute. Can we do that with our spiritual nature? So many times, novices with a fireplace will just throw new wood in, and it eventually all goes out, some charred, some unburned and the new wood is still just sitting there, like “What happened?” If we are burned down spiritually, maybe we don’t need something new to feel inspired. Imagine the coal side of your soul and imagine the Breath of God (Pneuma) blowing over you and making new energy come to life. We can invigorate. It may mean having to endure some turning over. Spirit is alive and well. Feel the breeze of inspiration blowing. Want the flames to rise.
One of the ways to reinvigorate is to tap into the creativity of others. The song attached is “God is Love.” It was created by a Quaker pastor here in Oregon, Matt Boswell. The Mp3 is not professionally made, but it holds a song that is easy to learn and a breath of God’s air blowing over us, a new melody for rejuvenation. I have also attached the lyrics. Please take time to read over them and to listen to the music. We will be singing it both this Sunday to learn it and next Sunday as an opening hymn.
This Sunday there are three opportunities to find some wind blowing over our embers. The first begins at 9 AM with the first Bible Study of Philippians at 9 AM. It is going to be a spiritual journey through a book that has Zen-like moments to share. Hopefully the verses speak to those in the room as we talk about what makes us aware of God in a verse or two, We will be using a reflective style, so don’t worry about a dry, lifeless hour of your time. Instead, come and let it touch your soul and breathe.
Next is our Sunday worship. Our worship service will be semi-programmed, which is roughly half programmed and the other open worship. The programmed section focuses on being made in the image of a God that is love. There will be several points of reflection as we contemplate how we were made to be a source of love overflowing.
We will end the morning with a potluck, with a twist. We will have some games to play with one another for fun and education, all about love. The anticipated laughter and joy are already making me desire for it to be Sunday already. Maybe like me, you have been indoors, unable to get access to the outside world, and you are looking forward to some great food, good conversation, and fellowship of friends together once again.
I hope you all are enjoying this challenging weather and have been finding a lot to be grateful for.