Dear Friends,
This is the last time I write to you while the date is still 2024. I have so many things I pray for you for this year. And they are for me too. May this new year, 2025, bring a new closeness with the Divine. May you have clarity in your decisions and patience when the answers take a while. May you be more totally present. May you experience the beauty of the silence and the slowness of life. May you intentionally live your life with purpose. May this be a year of great spiritual growth, with depth and more confidence that there is something greater than us, and it is love. May you be a light of this love that shines throughout your life, not just to others, but for yourself as well.
This week I will be out of town. So given the climate of Klamath Basin, there are two bulletins: one for good weather and one for bad weather which could delay our speaker for this Sunday, Karen Little. It feels like either program will be a time of inspiration. So I hope you all come out on Sunday.
The announcements for the month of January are in both bulletins. Please open one and see what we are doing in the coming new year. There is a new book group starting on Quaker Ecology led by Sarah Watson. The book is by Cherice Bock and she will be joining us the first Sunday through zoom to talk with us about what inspired her writing this book and her vision for its use. And on January 29th we will collaborate with Hope Lutheran, Klamath Lutheran, and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship to sponsor a program to be held at 3:00 at Klamath Lutheran Church involving what is happening with the nursing students at OSU who are providing a street outreach program to the homeless in Klamath Falls.
There is an update on the back of each bulletin on the Interfaith Food Pantry, and it is important to read and keep up with the growing program that serves many of the least fortunate in our area. We are in great need of several things for the Food Pantry. The first is, of course, is food. Please donate nonperishables to the church or send a check made out to Klamath Falls Interfaith Food Pantry. The other is that we are in need of nice used coats and sweaters and blankets. These items are given out each week the pantry is open, and are direly needed by many of the clients of all ages. So please donate a used but laundered coat and blanket (quilt) to the Food Pantry to help the people in our area.
May you have a blessed new year!